Things You'll Need
Combine 3 Strong Alluring Wings, 1 Khezu Special Cut, 4 Eltalie Ores and 3 Lifepowders to make the "Khezu Helm Z."
Combine 3 Strong Alluring Wings, 1 Pale Khezu Steak, 4 Hard Monster Bones and 3 Thunderbug Jellies to make a "Khezu Mail Z."
Combine 2 Strong Alluring Wings, 1 Pale Khezu Steak, 2 Lightning Sacs and 4 Carbalite Ores to make "Khezu Vambraces Z."
Combine 2 Strong Alluring Wings, 1 Pale Khezu Steak, 2 Lightning Sacs and 3 Lifepowders to make "Khezu Leggings Z."
Combine 2 Strong Alluring Wings, 1 Khezu Special Cut, 2 Wyvern Stones and 3 Rare Scarabs to make a "Khezu Tasset Z."
Equip all the equipment you have just created in the steps above to give yourself the entire set of Khezu Z Armor.