Obtain a license from Playstation of America to develop games for their console. You can contact them at their website. This license will allow you to make any game for their console once it has been acquired.
Ensure the publisher has a license to publish the game for the console, or obtain a publisher's license for the console on your own. This simply allows you to use Sony's name when selling the product.
Obtain any other licenses for any likenesses used in the game for any organizations, trademarks or persons. This includes, but is not limited to, names, faces, voices, logos and copyrighted merchandise.
Every game created needs a unique license. The licenses are contracts that both you the game maker and the end user must abide by. This contract is bilateral and binding in any cases involving your software.
Draw up a license agreement including several points regarding the software itself, as well as different scenarios. The contract should include what the game is and who the contract holds responsible for each item. Another section would include who it's for, for example the age group it's appropriate for depending on ratings. The "End User Agreement" will be a list of the consumer's responsibilities as they are related to Sony Playstation Entertainment of America, the developers and publishers. Other concerns to address in this document are profits, resales and recreation restrictions that may apply to the end user. Examples of those affected by these are game rental stores, resellers and video game hackers.
Submit the Agreement to a video game entertainment lawyer proofread it, make any changes necessary and finally get the go ahead from the Sony Playstation legal team. It is then made available to the public, specifically packaged with the game either in text or by a link to a website.