Bearer of Love
This title grants you a random quest every time you access the guild. To receive this title, you must complete the mission: "Wedding Road: Happily Ever After (End)."
Monster Pundit
The Monster Pundit title will decrease the number of monsters that you encounter will exploring the world. Scan every monster in the game to unlock this title.
Herb Pundit
This title increase your chances of finding an item while searching for herbs. Complete all of Ailly's Herb Search missions to earn this title.
Level-Based Titles
Increasing your forging, cooking, or tool creation skill level to 100 will grant you a mastery title for that area. These mastery titles increase your success rate when creating weapons, food, and tools.
R Titles
Acquiring all of the parts of an R character will give you a special title related to that character. For example, acquiring all of the parts of the R-Grappler will give you the title Grappler, which increases your physical attack damage. Acquiring the R-Mage's parts gives you the title Magic User, increasing your magic damage.