Things You'll Need
Connect your Memor 32 to your computer and install Memento onto your modchip.
Download PS2 ROMs to your computer and transfer them to a USB drive, such as a thumb drive or external hard drive. ROMS, an acronym for "read only memory," are digital copies of files created for use without the file host's original disc. PlayStation 2 ROMs are playable on your computer or other gaming systems without the use of the original PlayStation 2 game disc.
Insert your Memor 32 modchip into an open memory card slot on your PS2.
Connect your USB drive to your PS2 with a USB cable.
Launch Memento on your PlayStation 2.
Scroll down to "USB-HDD Games" and hit the "X" button on your PS2 controller to view a list of games on your USB drive.
Scroll down to a game and hit the "X" button on your PS2 controller to load the game.