Reunite with Snowe and have him join your team. As the game progresses, Snowe will fight with you, and then go his own way. Once he returns to rejoin you, you will then be able to start the search for his costumes.
Obtain the pirate costume by traveling to Illuya Island Sea. Stay in front of Illuya. Speak with Shiramine on the rear deck of the ship to cast your net. Do not move your ship, or you will not capture the pirate costume. Have the hero leave the ship and leave it alone for 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, pull up the net, and the pirate costume should be in it. Repeat and let the net sit for 15 minutes before pulling it in.
Capture the aristocrat costume by traveling to Pirates Nest. Stay in front of the nest and cast your net as you had when capturing the pirate's costume. Allow the net to sit without moving the ship for 10 minutes. Pull up the net. If you have not obtained the aristocrat costume, recast the net and try again.
Obtain the knight costume by traveling to Razril Sea. Stay in front of Razril and recast your net as before. Do not move the ship for 10 minutes. Pull in the net. If you have not retrieved the costumer, recast the net and wait.