Press the "Left Analog Stick" in any direction to walk or run. This button is also used to move the cursor in menus. Press the "Right Analog Stick" to move the camera around while playing.
Use the "D-pad" to move the cursor while browsing a menu. Pressing "Left" takes you to the file screen. "Right" brings you to the map screen and "Up" opens the Item screen. Press "Down" to go to the equip screen.
Tap the "Triangle" button to perform a close-range attack and the "Square" button to do a long-range attack. The "X" button" lets you jump or dodge and is also used to confirm menu selections. Hit the "Circle" button to cancel while in the menu or use it to perform a style move or a dodge move.
Hit the "L1" button to activate Devil Trigger mode, although this cannot be used until you are given the ability to transform. "L2" lets you switch your long-range weapon. The "R2" button switches your close-range weapon and "R1" locks the camera on to the closest enemy.
Press "R3" to reset the camera behind Dante. Press "R1" and "L3" together to change the lock-on to a different target. Pressing "Start" pauses the game and opens the menu and "Select" lets Dante taunt enemies.