Retrieve the empty bucket from the Croft Manor. Go down the hallway and up the stairs to exit the manor. This will unlock Peru.
Collect all artifacts and relics found in Peru. Gather three artifacts and a relic in the Mountain Caves, one artifact in the City of Vilcabamba, two artifacts and one relic in the Lost Valley and two artifacts in the Tomb of Qualopec. This will unlock Greece.
Gather the artifacts and relics in Greece to move on. Obtain six artifacts at St. Francis' Folly, one artifact at the Coliseum, one artifact and two relics at Midas' Palace and two artifacts at the Tomb of Tihocan. This will unlock Egypt.
Collect all necessary items in Egypt. Get three artifacts and one relic in the Temple of Khamoon, four artifacts at the Obelisk of Khamoon and two artifacts and a relic at the Sanctuary of the Scion. This unlocks the Lost Island.
Grab the final items from the Lost Island. Obtain four artifacts and a relic from Natla's Mines, one artifact and one relic from the Great Pyramid and four artifacts in the Final Conflict.