Boot up the game and load your save data.
Press the "Start" button on your controller to pause gameplay.
Press "Up," "Triangle," "L3," "Select," "X" and then "L2" to activate the Unlimited Health cheat. With this cheat active, you can take an unlimited amount of damage from your enemies without suffering any injury.
Press "R1," "R2," "L1," "X," "Down" and then "L1" to unlock all game items and weapons for your character's use. You also receive $200 in your in-game wallet.
Press "Down," "Square," "X," "Select," "R1" and "Left" to complete your current mission. This cheat is especially helpful later in the game when missions become much more difficult because of increasingly powerful enemies.
Press "R1," "R1," "L1," "R1," "L1" and then "Up" to fully upgrade your hobo allies. When you call on your homeless friends to do battle, they will tear into your enemies with fully upgraded attacks and defense.
Press "Up," "Select," "X," "Triangle," "Triangle" and then "Circle" to shake any police off your tail. This cheat is also very effective later in the game, as the police are much more powerful and intelligent in the final few missions.
Press the "Start" button once more to return to gameplay.