Transform Traffic
To transform all of the cars in traffic into junk cars, enter the following button sequence into your PS2 controller using the buttons and directional pad: "L2," "Right," "L1," "Up," "X," "L1," "L2," R2," "R1," "L1," "L1" and "L1."
Improve Car Handling
You can enter the following button sequence to improve the handling of your car: "Triangle," "R1," "R1," "Left," "R1," "L1," "R2" and "L1."
Improve Game Statistics
For maximum vehicle stats, press "Square," "L2," "X," "R1," "L2," "L2," "Left," "R1," "Right," "L1," "L1" and "L1." To gain the hitman ranking for all weapons, enter "Down," "Square," "X," "Left," "R1," "R2," "Left," "Down," "Down," "L1," "L1" and "L1." To gain maximum respect, enter "L1," "R1," "Triangle," "Down," "R2," "X," "L1," "Up," "L2," "L2," "L1" and "L1." To gain maximum sex appeal, enter "Circle," "Triangle," "Triangle," "Up," "Circle," "R1," "L2" and "Up."
Endless Ammo
For endless ammo, enter "L1," "R1," "Square," "R1," "Left," "R2," "R1," "Left," "Square," "Down," "L1" and "L1."
Get Pedestrians to Join Your Gang
To recruit pedestrians for your gang, enter "Down," "Square," "Up," "R2," "R2," "Up," "Right," "Right" and "Up." A message will appear confirming correct entry of the cheat. If it does not, try again.
Strength Punch
To punch harder, press "Up," "Left," "X," "Triangle," "R1," "Circle," "Circle," "Circle" and "L2." You will then be able to kill people with one punch.