"Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII"
Square Enix created and released "Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII" for the PlayStation 2 in August of 2006. "Dirge of Cerberus" is a different version of the original "Final Fantasy VII" game for the PlayStation. In this game, you must stop an evil group from using a devastating weapon to wipe out the world. To do this, you'll need to talk to many characters throughout the game to uncover hints and secrets.
"Final Fantasy X"
Square EA released "Final Fantasy X" for the PlayStation 2 in December of 2001. It was developed by Square Soft. The game features a group of main characters that are on a mission to rid the world of a creature that destroyed the main character's village. When you win battles in "Final Fantasy X," you'll unlock extra points for your characters. These points increase your characters' levels and help you to win later battles.
"Final Fantasy XI"
Sony Computer Entertainment America released the fantasy title "Final Fantasy XI" for the PlayStation 2, PC and Xbox 360 in March of 2004. "Final Fantasy XI" was made by Square Enix. This game is played online, so you can team up with a group of friends to destroy the game's tougher enemies. In "Final Fantasy XI," you must head out on a quest to defeat an evil faction that wants revenge after failing to take over the land of Vana'diel.
"Final Fantasy XII"
Square Enix developed and released "Final Fantasy XII" for the PlayStation 2 in October of 2006. In "Final Fantasy XII," you must restore balance to the main character's homeland after an evil faction kills the king and takes over. Vaan, the main character, is joined by like-minded characters who want to take back their home.