Tekken Tag Tournament
"Tekken Tag Tournament" was released on October 26, 2000. "Tekken Tag Tournament" is a four-player, fast-paced fighting game and the first in the series to introduce the concept of "tagging." At the beginning of each match, players must choose two different characters. These characters can be instantly tagged with the push of a button. Learning which characters work best as a team is crucial to success, as certain offensive moves can be stringed together to create high-damage combos.
ATV Offroad Fury 2
"ATV Offroad Fury 2" was released on November 12, 2002. "Offroad Fury 2" improves upon the original but maintains its fluid controls, varied racing environments (72 new tracks total) and over-the-top physics. Multiplayer supports up to four players in racing modes such as supercross, rallycross and freestyle. Buggies, trucks and MX bikes are playable in all game modes.
Showdown: Legends of Wrestling
Released on June 22, 2004, "Showdown: Legends of Wrestling" is a fast paced wrestling game that lets players control a large selection of "legends" from the WWF, WCW and NWA. This includes popular names such as Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage. Or you can create your own wrestler in the games "Create-A-Wrestler" mode. A variety of match types are available, including table, ladder, cage and handicap.