Players can unlock special trophies in "Monster Jam" by finishing first in specific events. Players who win all Coastal events get the Coastal Series trophy. Same criteria applies for the Midwest, South East and Southern series.
Monster Jam Trucks
"Monster Jam" boasts several special trucks that must be unlocked to be used. Players can unlock The Destroyer with 10,000 points, the Blacksmith (50,000 points), El Toro Loco (70,000), Suzuki (110,000) and Maximum Destruction (235,000). Completing all of the Coastal events unlocks the Pastrana 199 truck. If you beat both the World Finals and World Finals Freestyle, you'll unlock the 25th anniversary Grave Digger.
Monster Jam Maximum Destruction Trucks
Many trucks in "Monster Jam Maximum Destruction" are not available at the beginning of the game and must be unlocked. To unlock the 1983 Grave Digger, players must win their first season of Cash Grab while playing on Normal difficulty. Players can then win their second Cash Grab season to unlock the 20th anniversary Grave Digger truck. Those who beat the third season of Cash Grab unlock The Incredible Hulk truck. The Big Yellow truck is only unlocked by playing any second season on Hard difficulty with a Champ truck. Champ trucks are enhanced versions of regular trucks in the game, and they are unlocked by beating a season with any truck regardless of difficulty level. Players unlock the Hooch truck by getting through their third season on any format while playing on Hard difficulty.