Players can enter in button combinations from the main menu to gain special abilities. To get all of the planes, areas and missions in the game before earning them traditionally, press "Square," "Square," "Square," "Circle," "Circle," "Circle," "Triangle," "Square," "R2," "R2," "L2," and "L2." Get the Big Heads cheat by pressing "Up," "Right," "Up," "Left," "Down," "Right," "Up," "Left," "Down," "Right," "L1," "R1," "L1," and "R1." Earn infinite ammunition by pressing "Up," "Right," "Down," "Left," "Up," "Right," "Down," "Left," "L1," and "R1." Become invincible by pressing "Up," "Down," "Left," "Right," "Left," "Left," "Right," "Right," "L1," "L1," "R1," "R1," "L2," and "R2."
Some of the planes are unavailable at the start of the game and must be unlocked. To get The ME 163 plane, finish all of the secondary objectives or beat the Free Jag mission. Once the Jetstream mission is beaten, you unlock the ME 262 plane. The XP-55 plane is unlocked by playing the Mosquito Bite mission and sinking each of the patrol boats that appear. The last plane to unlock is the Dornier DO-335 Arrow. To get the Arrow, clear all 15 missions in the main campaign while achieving all of the bonuses and secondary objectives in the process.
"Star Wars" Fighters
Two "Star Wars" fighter planes are available in "Secret Weapons Over Normandy." Both the TIE fighter and X-Wing fighter are unlocked by completing all 15 main campaign missions and also finish the 21 challenge missions.