Never Wanted
For those who want to breeze through the game's story without any hassle from the cops, the "Never Wanted" code will keep the cops off your back. Regardless of what you blow up, who you fight or what you steal, your wanted level will remain at zero. Even during missions that involve lots of mischief. Enter this sequence of button presses: L1, L1, triangle, R1, R1, X, square, and circle.
Pedestrians Attack You
Should you find yourself without enough drama in Vice City, this cheat will change that by having every civilian within 50 feet of you attack you. This includes gang members that often bring their weapons to the fight. Let's not forget the gun-wielding pedestrians who will gladly make use of their Vice City rights. Enter this sequence of button presses: L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, up, and triangle.
All Weapons
Perhaps one of the more useful cheats in the game, the "All Weapons" cheats grant instant access to a series of weapons depending on which code you use. Enter this sequence of button presses for weapon set 1: up, square, square, down, left, square, square, and right. Enter this sequence of button presses for weapon set 2: up, circle, circle, down, left, circle, circle, and right. Enter this sequence of button presses for weapon set 3: up, X, X, down, left, X, X, and right.