Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
"Ace Combat 5" begins 15 years after the previous installment. The Belkan forces had been driven back into their own country and had detonated a nuclear bomb in their own land in response. This brought about a global ban on weapons and a shaky world peace enforced by the Air Defense Squad. As the game begins, the squad has been attacked and it's up to you to get to the bottom of it and prevent a new war from beginning. The game features both Arcade and Campaign modes and has a roster of over 50 authentic aircrafts.
Lethal Skies II
"Lethal Skies II" takes place in the near future and two major military factions are getting ready to go to war with each other. You are a fighter pilot on the front lines trying to swing the tide towards your side's favor. There are 19 different aircraft in "Lethal Skies II," most of them actual existing aircrafts while others are based on real planes but have some futuristic advances on them. You also have a wingman who you can issue a few simple commands to in the midst of a dogfight. There is also a multiplayer version so you can engage with your friends in missions or air-to-air combat.
Secret Weapons Over Normandy
Based in World War II, "Secret Weapons Over Normandy" decided against a traditional simulator approach and instead made the game an arcade-style shooter. You control a pilot who is assigned to Britain's Royal Air Force in 1940. You are then transferred to the Blackhawks, a top-secret unit composed of the absolute best combat pilots in the military. There are 26 different planes available and they are upgradable as you earn points for successful missions and completed objectives.