Infinite Health
To unlock infinite health, type "800c7e7a00c8" into the Gameshark window. Infinite health will make it impossible for the zombies in the game to kill you, and your health will regenerate every time you are injured.
Starting with Custom Mag
To begin with a custom mag in your crate at any given save point, type "d00aac8c1000" and "800ccb9cff06" into the Gameshark window. Your custom mag will be available in your crate now each time you start the game and will make your gun more effective.
Starting with Custom Shotgun
To begin with a custom shotgun in your crate at any given save point, type "d00aac8c1000" and "800ccba4ff08" into the Gameshark window. Your custom shotgun will be available every time you begin the game and will give you a significant advantage against enemy zombies.
Starting with Special Key
To begin with a special key in your crate at any given save point, type "d00ac8c1000" and "800ccc540153" into the Gameshark window. Beginning with a special key in your crate will enable you to open secret doors without actually having to find the key through the intended means.
Rocket Launcher- First Position
To begin with a rocket launcher in the first position for your player, type "800ccb68ff11" into your Gameshark window. By enabling this code, you will begin with a rocket launcher as your main gun each time you begin a specific level or turn on the game.