Things You'll Need
Power off your Slim PlayStation 2 and remove all controllers, memory cards, game discs, and power cables. Press the eject button on the far right of the console to open up the game tray. You will need to keep this tray open during cleaning.
Rotate the console so that you are looking at the vents in the back. Take your canned air and spray through the vents. Use short bursts of air and repeat three to five times along the vent.
Vacuum out the excess dust that the canned air has loosened. You can use a standard vacuum cleaner with an attachment, or a hand held vacuum meant for electronics. Only vacuum along the vents and not on top of the console.
Run a cotton swab around the sides of the PS2 Slim's lens, located under the console's disc cover. Move the swab gently without applying too much pressure. Do not put any cleaner on the swab, as this may cause damage to the laser and lens.
Wipe under the PS2 Slim's cover using a soft cloth that has been dampened with water. The cloth should not be dripping, as this step is meant to remove any lingering dust within the console. Go over the area again with a dry cloth.
If there are any damp areas remaining, allow the console to dry fully. Keep the console away from the floor or any dusty areas during this process. Once dry, reattach the power cords to your clean PlayStation 2 Slim.