Play through "Final Fantasy X" until your party gains access to the airship.
Save your game.
Use the airship to travel to Baaj Temple. As you enter the temple, Geosgaeno, a boss that attacked Tidus at the very beginning of the game, will reappear and attack you underwater. You are forced to use Tidus, Rikku and Wakka for this battle.
Defeat Geosgaeno. Geosgaeno can use petrification and instant death attacks, so it helps to have armor equipped that protects against petrification and death. Geosgaeno can also swallow characters, causing them to die instantly when he spits them out. Be prepared to heal and revive fallen characters often during this battle.
Wait to see if you get a no encounters weapon as a reward for defeating Geosgaeno. If you do not get a no encounters weapon, reset the game and fight him again. Item drops are random, so you might have to try several times before you get the item you want.