Collect enough money to purchase four of the five cards. Each card costs a different amount, and the only way to earn money is to defeat others in battle. If you need more money, continue playing the main story until you earn enough.
Select "Shop" to access cards you can purchase. Select "Exodia the Forbidden One," "Left Arm of the Forbidden One," "Right Leg of the Forbidden One" and "Left Leg of the Forbidden One."
Continue playing the game until you come across Grandpa, your character's grandfather. Defeat him in a normal card battle to receive "Right Arm of the Forbidden One," the fifth and final card.
Throw out each of the five cards, one by one, during any duel. You can only throw out one card at a time and throwing them out is the same process as before. Provided your opponent does not destroy any of the limbs, you will automatically win when you throw out the final card on your fifth turn.