Play the game until you're near the end of Act Two; you will see a cutscene in which your character, Roberta, becomes trapped. After a monster smashes through a wall and blocks an exit, Roberta realizes that her only escape is through the endless staircase.
Follow the gold medal that appears on your screen. It will lead you to the staircase. Alternatively, head back to the room that led you to the clock tower. Take a left; you will find yourself in another room with another door. Go through that room's doorway and repeat the pattern, heading through each room's door until you reach a hallway.
Go down the hallway and keep an eye out for a save point, which will let you know that you're on the right track. Save your game at the save point and continue walking down the hallway. At the very end of it, you'll find a door; go through it to reach the endless staircase.