Cross the first half of the Cliffs of Madness. Enter the cave in front of you, after you take the elevator to the third floor of the Cliffs.
Pull the lever in the corner of the cave to start a timer. Immediately run up to the stone pillar next to the switch. Hold "R2" to grab the pillar.
Pull the pillar out of the hole and then, as soon as possible, jump to the other side of it. Hold "R2" and then press "X" to kick the pillar to the other side of the cave.
Run to the pillar. The camera angle changes, revealing a ledge high above you in the corner of the cave.
Kick the pillar straight ahead of you. As the pillar flies across the room, run after it. Get behind the pillar and kick it across the cave to the right. This positions the pillar directly underneath the ledge.
Double-jump onto the pillar to avoid the spikes as they activate. Take the Phoenix Feather from the chest, if desired, and then jump to the vines on the wall across from you.
Collect the Necklace of Aphrodite from the stand on the ledge. The spikes deactivate, making it safe to leave the cave.