Travel to the Calm Lands and find the Cavern of Stolen Fayth in the northeast section of the zone.
Head to the back of the cave and you will find a summoner who will bring out Yojimbo.
Fight Yojimbo and defeat him. He has high resistance to physical damage so use offensive magic abilities and Aeons to defeat him.
Head deeper into the cave and talk to Yojimbo in the Chamber of Fayth. He will ask you a question and depending on your answer will request a price for his services.
Select the third option, "To defeat the most powerful of fiends", which will make Yojimbo ask for 250,000 gil.
Offer a few gil over half his original asking price and he will lower his price to about 205,000 gil. Accept this offer or go a little lower to get him into your party.