Press the "R3" button on your PlayStation 2 controller in the "Deck Build" screen. This opens a dialog box and virtual keyboard that lets you enter card passwords.
Enter JXCB6FU7 to get Aqua Dragon. Aqua Dragon is a level 6 dragon-type monster with 2250 attack and 1900 defense.
Enter GTJXSBJ7 to get Barrel Dragon, a level 7 monster with 2600 attack and 2200 defense and this special ability: "Once per turn, you can toss a coin three times. If 2 out of 3 results are heads, destroy one monster your opponent controls."
Enter 86985631 to get Meteor Dragon, a level 6 monster with 1800 attack and 2000 defense.
Enter B6fJKO98 to get Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, a level 12 dragon with 4500 attack and 3800 defense.