Find a thug with a skull icon above his head in the basement level of the funeral home. The skull icon denotes an enemy character that can be interrogated for additional information.
Grab the thug by moving close to him and pressing the "X" button. Options to interrogate the thug will appear at the top of the screen.
Interrogate the thug. If you have a handgun equipped, you can select the gun icon to threaten him with it. If not, you can select the fist, choke or impact icons to punch, choke or smash the thug's head against a wall or any nearby surface. You can also drag the thug to the cremation oven and press "X" when the special interrogation icon appears. After completing the interrogation, you will be given the location of the switch to hidden drug cache.
Move to the next room and defeat the enemy units inside.
Interact with the switch by pressing the "X" button. The switch will be highlighted green and activating it will open the secret door to the drug stash.
Move to the blue marker and press the "X" button to set the satchel of plastic explosives.
Run back as far as you can from the bomb before it explodes. Return the way you entered to complete this section of the level.