Navigate to the ̶0;Settings̶1; menu and select ̶0;Network Settings̶1; by pressing the ̶0;X̶1; button on your controller.
Select ̶0;Internet Connection Settings,̶1; select ̶0;Yes̶1; and select ̶0;Custom.̶1;
Navigate through the custom Internet connection settings menu, locate the ̶0;UPnP̶1; option and set it to ̶0;Enable̶1; if it̵7;s set to ̶0;Disable.̶1;
Locate your router̵7;s IP address by clicking ̶0;Start,̶1; clicking ̶0;Control Panel,̶1; clicking ̶0;View Network Status and Tasks, clicking the name of your network connection under Connections and clicking the ̶0;Details̶1; button. Read the IP address from the right of IPv4 Default Gateway in the Network Connection Details window.
Type the IPv4 Default Gateway address into your Web browser̵7;s address bar and press ̶0;Enter̶1; to access your router̵7;s login screen.
Log in with your router̵7;s username and password. Many routers use ̶0;admin̶1; as their default username and password or a blank username and ̶0;admin̶1; as the password. Consult your router̵7;s documentation if you don̵7;t know your router̵7;s password.
Navigate to the page containing the UPnP option in your router̵7;s Web interface. The option may be on an administration page or a network settings page. Consult your router̵7;s documentation for the location of the option.
Enable the ̶0;UPnP̶1; option on your router̵7;s Web configuration page and click the ̶0;Save Settings̶1; button.
Restart your PlayStation 3 and run the network connection test by navigating to the ̶0;Settings̶1; menu, selecting ̶0;Network Settings̶1; and selecting ̶0;Internet Connection Test.̶1;