Things You'll Need
Go to the PS3Hax Network site and download Comgenie̵7;s Awesome Filemanager. Save it to your desktop. Unzip the .zip file and extract the file ̶0;ComgenieAwesomeFilemanager255.pkg̶1; to your desktop.
Insert a USB drive into an open USB port on the computer.
Right-click the file named ̶0;ComgenieAwesomeFilemanager255.pkg.̶1; Click ̶0;Copy.̶1; Click the drive letter that corresponds with the USB drive, which is often E: or F:. Click ̶0;Paste̶1; to transfer the game file to the USB drive. Right-click the digital copy of the game you want to install. Click ̶0;Copy.̶1; Click the drive letter that corresponds with the USB drive. Click ̶0;Paste.̶1;
Remove the USB drive and insert it into an open USB port on the PlayStation 3.
Scroll to ̶0;Games̶1; on the PlayStation 3. Scroll up to the ̶0;USB̶1; drive. Press ̶0;X.̶1;
Scroll down to ̶0;ComgenieAwesomeFilemanager255.pkg̶1; and press ̶0;X̶1; to install the program.
Scroll down to the "Comgenie's Awesome Filemanager" icon, which has a large smiley face on it.
Press ̶0;X̶1; to open the program.
Scroll down to the USB port in which the USB drive is inserted. The left port is ̶0;USB001̶1; and the right port is ̶0;USB002.̶1; Press ̶0;X̶1; to view the contents of the USB drive. Scroll down to the game file. Press ̶0;O̶1; to copy the file.
Scroll over to ̶0;HDD0.̶1; Press ̶0;X.̶1; Scroll down to ̶0;Game.̶1; Press ̶0;X.̶1;
Press ̶0;Select.̶1; The screen turns red, which indicates you can now copy files from the USB drive to the PS3 hard drive.
Press ̶0;Start̶1; to copy the game to the PS3 hard drive. When you exit Comgenie's Awesome Filemanager, you will find the game in the ̶0;Games̶1; section of the main menu.