Connecting Gaming System
Turn off your portable television and PS3, and turn both devices around so the ports on the back of the devices are facing you. Connect the PS3̵7;s AV cable̵7;s single connector into the AV Multi Out port on the back of the gaming system. Plug the yellow cable̵7;s connector into the Video port on the back of your portable television. Plug the white cable̵7;s connector into the television̵7;s Left audio port and plug the red cable̵7;s connector into the Right audio port.
Activating Composite Connection
Turn on your portable television and PS3. Locate the television̵7;s Input or Line button, on the front, side or back of the TV, and press it to activate the device̵7;s composite ports. You will see the PS3̵7;s welcome screen or game̵7;s start screen, if a game disc is in the device̵7;s drive. If you don't see the welcome or game start screen, check the cable connections on the television and PS3.
When using a portable television with your PS3, you will only be able to receive graphics in standard-definition resolution instead of high-definition. To receive high-definition, you must connect your PS3 to a high-definition television or monitor using an High-Definition Multimedia Interface cable.
Your television and PS3 emits heat. The PS3 contains a fan but heat still exits the device especially after playing games on the device for an extended period of time. Do not sit your portable television on top of or too close to your PS3. This can cause the television and gaming system to overheat. Make sure there is a constant flow of air surrounding both devices and place the devices apart from each other. If the gaming system overheats, it will shut off automatically and may or may not power on again.