Press the power button on the front of the PS3 system, and insert the "Rainbow Six Vegas 2" game disc into the console's disc slot.
Press the "PS Home" button on the front of the two PS3 controllers that you want to use. Both controllers will turn on and connect to the PS3 system.
Scroll over to the "Game" section of the XrossMediaBar, and scroll down to the game's disc icon. Press the "X" button to launch the game.
Select either the "Story," "Terrorist Hunt" or "Versus" option from the game's main menu.
Select the "Co-op" option if you selected the "Story" mode option to initiate split screen mode. If you selected the "Terrorist Hunt" or "Versus" mode options, simply press the "Start" button on the second controller you want to use when prompted to initiate split screen mode.
Select your characters and weapon options, the level you wish to play and the game type from the game setup menus. Once the game begins, you will be playing split-screen with your partner.