Complete the following levels on any difficulty to unlock the character for that level. "Alien Ship" unlocks Alien. "King's Arena" unlocks Barbarian. "Volcano Arena" unlocks Conehead. "Barbarian Boss" unlocks Grey Knight. "Icy Arena" unlocks Icekimo. "Peasant Arena" unlocks the Peasant. "Thieves' Arena" unlocks the Thief.
Finish the game with the following characters to unlock the corresponding secret character. Using Skeleton unlocks Bear. Using the Blue Knight unlocks Industrialist. Using Icekimo unlocks Brute. Using the Barbarian unlocks the Killer Beekeeper. Using Peasant unlocks Civilian. Using Industrialist unlocks Fencer. Using the Green Knight unlocks the Royal Guard. Using the Orange Knight unlocks the Fire Demon. Using the Thief unlocks the Forest Knight. Using the Fire Demon unlocks Ninja. Using the Royal Guard unlocks Saracen. Using the Red Knight unlocks Skeleton. Using the Gray Knight unlocks Stove Face. Additionally, Finishing the game with any character will unlock "Insane Mode."
Complete the following levels in "Insane Mode" to unlock the character for that level. "Ice Castle" unlocks Cult Minion. "Pipistrello's Cave" unlocks The King. "Industrial Castle" unlocks the Necromancer. "Catfish" unlocks the unmasked Gray Knight.