Things You'll Need
Pair the Logitech Harmony Adapter With the PS3
Plug the smaller end of the power cord that came with the Harmony adapter into the adapter's power jack. Plug the other end of this cable into an electrical outlet.
Turn on the TV. Turn on the PS3. Use the "Input" or "Source" button on TV's remote control to switch the TV's video input channel to the proper source for the PS3.
Use the arrow buttons on the PS3 controller to go to "Settings" in the PS3's XMB menu. Highlight "Accessory Settings." Press the "X" button on the controller to select the highlighted option.
Highlight and select "Register BD Remote Control." Wait for the "Register BD Remote Control" screen to be displayed on the TV.
Press the "Connect" button on the Harmony adapter. A Register Compliant notification should appear on the TV screen. Also the adapter's indicator light should turn green, indicating that the pairing was successful.
Add the PS3 to Logitech Harmony Remote Control
Use the USB cable that came with the Harmony remote to connect the remote's USB jack to a USB jack on your computer. Launch the Logitech Harmony application on your computer. Log in to your account.
Go to the "Devices" tab. Click the "Add Device" button. Open the "Select Device to Add" drop-down menu. Point to "Game Console." Select "Game Console (With DVD)."
Open the "Select Manufacture" drop-down menu. Select "Sony."
Type "PlayStation 3" in the "Model" box.
Click "Next." Click "Next" again. The adapter is now added to the remote.
Create an Activity to Control the PS3
Use the USB cable that came with the Harmony remote to connect the remote's USB jack to a USB jack on your computer. Launch the Logitech Harmony application on your computer. Log in to your account.
Go to the "Activities" tab. Click the "Add Activity" button.
Select "No -- manually add an Activity to my setup." Click "Next." Select "Play Video Game." Click "Next." Select "Play Game (Nintendo, Xbox, PlayStation, other game consoles)." Click "Next."
Click "I use my Sony Game Console (With DVD) to play a video game."
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup of the activity. The instructions are self-explanatory. Once setup is complete, you will be able to use your Logitech Harmony remote control to operate your PS3.