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How to Improve the Ping Time for PS3

Ping is a utility that measures the time it takes for data to be transmitted from your PlayStation over a network and back again. The higher the ping time, the more lag experienced during online play. Lag is not only irritating but a major disadvantage as players with better connections will be able to outperform you in competition. Fortunately, there are ways to improve the PS3's ping time to provide a better gaming experience.


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      Shut down any background processes that may slow your PS3's Internet connection. For example, don't try to play online games while downloading data from the PlayStation 3 Store. Downloading a huge file raises ping time considerably. Make sure nothing else is going on when playing online games.

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      If your connection is wireless, move the PlayStation 3 closer to the wireless router. Many factors influence wireless connectivity. Generally, the closer the unit is to the router, the better the connection. Other devices can also interfere with the wireless signal -- including cordless phones, wireless mice and keyboards -- since many operate in the same frequency bands as the PlayStation 3's wireless network. Even microwave ovens can cause interference when they are in use: if you experience intermittent issues, monitor whether they occur when a microwave is on. Experiment with locations for your PlayStation 3 and your router where these types of interference are minimal.

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      Look into wireless protocols. There are three protocols: B, G, and N, in graduating order of speed. The PlayStation 3 supports Wireless B and G. To use the extra speed of Wireless G, your router must support it. If not, consider upgrading the router. You also need to check any other wireless devices on the same network. Wireless G is faster than Wireless B, but only if all other devices are also using G, or the even faster N. If another device on your network is using the B protocol, that will slow down your Wireless G devices, including the PlayStation 3. If possible, upgrade other devices to use the G protocol as well.

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      Connect the PlayStation 3 directly to the router via Ethernet cable. Wired connections are faster, more consistent and less prone to interference or distance issues. Ethernet runs at 100 megabits per second (Mbps) minimum and is capable of speeds as fast as a gigabit, depending on the router. Because the maximum speed a PlayStation 3 can transmit over wireless connection is 54 Mbps, it's easy to see that a wired connection can greatly reduce ping times.

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      Shut down other devices in your home that may be hogging bandwidth. Other computers or consoles that stream video dramatically raise ping times as the different processes struggle to occupy bandwidth. Reach an accord with other family members on what has priority or set up times for online gaming versus streaming video.

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      Check into server settings for your online games. Some online games allow you to select which server you play on. Make sure to pick a server that is geographically as close as possible. This minimizes how far the signal has to travel, and how many network points it has to hop through along the way, and these factors can speed up ping times.

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      If all else fails, consider upgrading to a better Internet connection. DSL Internet connections match cable on downloading times but are usually inferior on uploading. Because online gaming requires both to work in tandem, a cable connection may provide a faster ping and a better online gaming experience. Look into options available in your area.

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