Things You'll Need
Download PSFreedom for the Motorola Droid onto your computer. Connect the Droid to your computer with a USB cable.
Right-click the PSFreedom ZIP file that was downloaded, and click "Copy" from the context menu. Right-click the Droid icon on the computer, and click "Paste" to save the PSFreedom ZIP onto the Droid.
Disconnect the Droid from the computer. Turn the Droid off, and hold the "X" button on the Droid's slide-out keyboard. Hold the "Power" button while holding "X" so the phone boots into recovery.
Select the "Nandroid" option at the bottom of the Recovery menu, and select "Backup." This makes a file backup of your phone. Select "Install zip from sdcard" when the backup finishes.
Select "Choose zip from sdcard," and select the "PSFreedom" zip file that is on the Droid sdcard. Select "Yes" to install the PSFreedom ZIP.
Select "Reboot system now."
Unplug the power cord from the Sony PS3 Slim. Insert the micro-USB cable into the Droid, and insert the other end of the USB cable into the PS3 Slim USB port.
Plug the power cord back into the PS3 Slim. Press the "Power" button, and immediately press the "Eject" button. The PS3 Slim will take a few extra seconds to power on. When it turns on, select the "Game" tab and make sure the "Install Package Files" option is there. This verifies the jailbreak.