Turn on the console and your TV. Scroll to "Settings" and press the "X" button, then scroll to "Network Settings" and click the "X" button.
Click on "Internet Connection Settings," then select "Yes" when the confirmation screen alerts you to the fact that you will be disconnected from the Internet. Press the "X" button.
Scroll to "Easy" and press the "X" button, then move the cursor to "Wireless" and press the "X" button.
Scroll to "Scan" and press the "X" button; you will see a list of available access points on the screen. Choose "Automatic" if that option appears on your screen and press the "X" button; otherwise, move the cursor to "Enter Manually," press the "X" button and enter the name of your wireless connection.
Locate the access point you wish to use and scroll to that location. Verify the signal strength of the wireless connection -- it should be 100 percent if it is a household connection.
Configure the security settings you want to use for your access point and enter the encryption key information. Review the information you have entered and press the "X" button.
Save your setting when prompted by pressing the "X" button.
Test the connection to see if you can access the internet from the PS3; a successful connection will display information about the network on your screen.