Things You'll Need
Find the small reset button on the underside of the controller, near the L2 button. It's a small recessed rubber button that will require a paper clip or pin to depress. Pressing this button will reset the stored connection in the controller, returning it to its default configuration.
Connect the A-Type plug on the USB cable to the front of the PlayStation 3 console. Connect the smaller B-type connector to the top of the controller. Turn off any other controllers connected to the console by holding down the PS button for a few seconds. Select "Turn Off Controller" from the menu that appears.
Press and hold the PS button on the controller on the controller you wish to resync with the console. The pairing should occur automatically. Check the row of lights on the top of the controller. The numbered light on the top of the controller displays which priority number is assigned to the controller. Controller No. 1 will be Player 1 in multiplayer games.