Pull back on the right analog stick, as the pitcher releases the ball. Then move the stick forward, to complete your swing as the ball crosses the plate. The smoother this back-and-forward motion is, the harder you'll hit the ball.
Swing early for a pull hit, by pulling back on the right analog stick as the pitcher releases the ball, and then moving the stick forward a bit early -- before the ball crosses the plate. If you make contact, you'll likely smack the ball to your strong field, which is left field for a right-hander and right field for a lefty.
Swing late for an opposite-field hit, by pulling back on the right analog stick as the pitcher releases the ball, and then moving the stick forward a bit late -- after the ball crosses the plate. If you make contact, you'll likely smack the ball to the opposite field, which is left field for a left-hander and right field for a righty.