Things You'll Need
Make a copy of the original receipt for your stolen PS3 purchase. If you cannot get a copy of the receipt for the stolen PS3, make a copy of the one for your new PS3. Sony will need some proof that you are not trying to use one paid account on multiple PS3 systems that are owned by different people.
Call the Sony PS3 technical support line at 800-345-7669 and speak with a customer service representative. Explain that you cannot deactivate your old system yourself, because it was stolen. The representative will give you contact details for the Sony support department that can help with this.
Write an email to Sony support. Explain the problem and request to have the old system deactivated. Include in the email your real name, phone number, PlayStation Network ID and sign-in name.
Attach the PS3 receipt to the email or send it to by fax, using the information the representative provided in Step 2. Do not use a general customer service email without calling first and getting a more direct contact. Sony will deactivate the system and will send you a confirmation email once the issue has been resolved.