Things You'll Need
Remove the screws on the back of the controller using your screwdriver. Turn the controller so that the handles of the controller face towards you. Place one thumb on the bottom half of the controller and the other on the top half.
Pry apart the controller. Use your piece of metal if the controller halves aren't yielding. Continue around the edges until you have completely separated both halves of the controller.
Place a Q-tip into rubbing alcohol and let it soak. Pull it out and let the excess drip off into the bottle until it stops dripping.
Rub the Q-tip head around the controller pads to remove any gunk stuck to the controller. Push lightly to scrape off anything stuck on but don't push down with excessive force.
Turn the controller over to let the alcohol dry and evaporate. Place the controller halves back together, snap them into place and replace the screws into the controller.