Enter the military base with a plus sign marker on the map. Explore the area, consume enemies to get an upgrade point.
Approach the yellow target and press the "Y" or "Triangle" button.
Stealth consume the rocket launcher-wielding soldier next to the entrance to gain his weapon. You will need it to take down the helicopters.
Enter the staging area, where the helicopters are located. You will note that the helicopters are marked with a red skull icon. When a helicopter takes off, chase after it using the jump and air dash techniques to get close--you will be high in the air.
Target the helicopter with your rocket launcher, getting the crosshair as close as possible before launching. With your rocket launcher skills at maximum levels, you will knock the helicopter out of the air with one shot.
Repeat for the remaining helicopters in this staging area.
Locate another soldier with a rocket launcher and consume him to get a full rocket launcher.
Climb to the top of the roof overlooking the second staging area. When you get to the top, you will see more helicopters preparing for take-off.
Shoot down the remaining helicopters to complete the mission. You have stopped Taggart from leaving the city.