Keep your shield up whenever you can if you have one. Hold down the "L2" or "R2" button, depending on whether your shield is in your left or right hand. Press "Triangle" to switch back to shield mode if you are currently in two-handed weapon mode.
Attack the temple knight after he makes his attack. Pump the "L1" or "R1" button, depending on whether your weapon is in your left or right hand. This allows you to get three or four hits in before he gets the opportunity to block.
Make your finishing move. Press the "L2" or "R2" button to use a strong attack. If timed correctly, you will successfully strike your opponent, taking a large chunk of health from his bar. If he does not fall from this attack, he will stagger, leaving himself open to further attack. If he successfully blocks, repeat Step 2.
Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the temple knight falls.