Block the Player
Open the XMB during an "Uncharted 2" match by pressing the "PS" button on your controller. Scroll all the way to the left and choose the option to compose a message. Send a friendly message to the person you suspect of hacking. The contents of the message are not important, but they must reply in order for you to be able to block them. Avoid inflammatory messages.
Highlight the reply to your message in your message list on the XMB. Press the triangle button and select "Add to Block List."
Leave the match by returning to the game and pressing "Start" and then selecting the option to quit the game.
Report the Hacker
Access the online PlayStation Complaint Form (see Resources).
Log in with your PSN email and password.
Enter your PSN email and the PSN username of the hacker in the corresponding text fields. Click "Next."
Select "Cheating" from the list of possible offenses and submit your player report. This will cause Sony to investigate the playing habits of the hacker. If they find them to be hacking the game, they will have their PSN account banned.