Examine the back of your TV or monitor to see which input options you have available. You can stream HD video over a component video connection which separates the red, green and blue channels of the video into separate, analog wires. Note that the inputs are color coded with the same colors, red, green and blue. The red, white and yellow inputs are not HD, those are known as RCA inputs and will only handle standard definition video. You can also use S-video, which is a circular port with several small holes in it. If your display is a computer monitor it will have either a Video Graphics Array port, which is a trapezoidal shape and typically colored blue or a Digital Video Interface; the computer connection is second only to component in terms of quality
Purchase a component or composite cable for your PS3. Sony offers both the HD component cables and the standard definition composite cables for the PS3 system at
Use an adapter if you don't have component or composite inputs on your display. A third-party electronics store can provide you with an HDMI to S-video, DVI or VGA adapter, depending on the input needs of your display device.