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How to Get Unbound Clan Tag for MW2 on PS3

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" is one of the most widely played online multiplayer games of all time. The game features clan tags that allow players to create clans and display their affiliation with a specific clan or team. You can only create a clan tag that contains four characters or less, unless you have the "Unbound" clan tag. In order to obtain the "Unbound" clan tag, you must modify your "Modern Warfare 2" saved game using the HxD hex editor on your computer.


    • 1

      Turn on the PlayStation 3 console and insert the "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" game disc into the console's optical driver.

    • 2

      Launch the game and select the "Multiplayer" option from the game's main menu. Select the "PlayStation Network" option from the Multiplayer menu.

    • 3

      Select the "Clan Tag" option and use the onscreen keyboard to enter "ZZZZ" as your clan tag. Press the "Circle" button to save the changes.

    • 4

      Press the "PS Home" button and select the "Quit Game" option. Select the "Yes" option to quit the game.

    • 5

      Insert the USB flash drive into one of the system's USB ports. Scroll over to the "Game" section of the PS3 XrossMediaBar and select the "Save Data Utility (PS3)" option.

    • 6

      Highlight the "Modern Warfare 2" save data and press the "Triangle" button. Select the "Copy" option and select the "USB Device (USB Flash Drive)" option when prompted to copy the save data to the flash drive.

    • 7

      Eject the flash drive from the PS3's USB port and insert the flash drive into one of the USB ports on the computer.

    • 8

      Open a Web browser and navigate to mh-nexus.de. Click the "HxD" link, followed by the "Download Page" link.

    • 9

      Click the "Download" link to download the install file. Double-click the install file and follow the onscreen instructions to install the application.

    • 10

      Double-click the HxD program icon to launch the program. Click the File menu and select the "Open..." option. Click the "Computer" option, followed by the USB flash drive's removable storage device icon.

    • 11

      Double-click the "PS3" folder, followed by the "SAVEDATA" folder. Double-click the savedata folder you saved to the flash drive in Step 6, followed by the file titled "GPAD0_MP."

    • 12

      Replace the "ZZZZ" characters in the hex code that appears with "{--}." Click the File menu and select the "Save" option to save the code.

    • 13

      Right-click on the USB flash drive's removable storage device icon and select the "Eject" option. Remove the flash drive from the computer's USB port and insert the flash drive into one of the USB ports on the front of the PS3 system.

    • 14

      Scroll over to the "Game" section of the PS3 XrossMediaBar and select the "Save Data Utility (PS3)" option. Select the "USB Device (USB Flash Drive)" and highlight the "Modern Warfare 2" save data.

    • 15

      Press the "Triangle" button and select the "Copy" option. When prompted to overwrite the save data, select the "Yes" option. Now, when you launch and play "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" online, you will have the "Unbound" clan tag.

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