What are Avatars?
An avatar is a digital expression of who you are in the digital world. Your avatar may be grounded in reality and look like a digital interpretation of yourself, or it can be a fantasy-based interpretation of who you would like to be. Whether you want to be taller, thinner or have blue skin, your avatar lets you express yourself online.
The PlayStation Network Avatar
Once you sign up for a PlayStation Network account you will be guided through the steps to create an avatar. To create a PlayStation Network avatar on your PS3, log in to the PlayStation Network by navigating to the "Account Management" option on your Xross Media Bar. Select the "Edit online profile" menu and select the "New avatar" option from the menu. Select an avatar from the options available to you or download a new one from the PlayStation store.
PlayStation 3 User Picture
While the PlayStation Network avatar is your digital representation on the PlayStation Network, your PlayStation profile picture is your digital representation on your PS3 console. To change your user picture, navigate to the "Users" menu on the XMB and press the "Triangle" button while highlighting your user name. Select the "Options" menu and choose "Edit the current picture." You can select from preset images on your PS3 or load photos stored under "Photos" on your PS3.
PlayStation Home Avatar
The PlayStation Home is an online arena where PS3 users can gather to converse, chat and play games with one another. Your actions in the PlayStation Home are controlled through the avatar that you create. Navigate to the PlayStation Network tab in the XMB and select the "PlayStation Home" option. If it is your first time using PlayStation Home, the program may need to install before you can create an avatar. Once the program has loaded you will be transported to the PlayStation Home Wardrobe. Here you may choose the age, size, sex and build of your avatar in addition to choosing hair color, clothing, skin color, etc. While free options are available, specialty clothing items may be purchased for your avatar through the PlayStation Store.