Go to PlayStation's website.
Highlight ̶0;PlayStation Network̶1; with your mouse. This link is on the left-hand menu. Click on ̶0;PlayStation Store̶1; from the list of links that appears.
Click on ̶0;PlayStation 3̶1; from the horizontal menu of links.
Click on ̶0;Featured Games & Media.̶1; This link is located underneath the image of the PlayStation 3.
Browse through the featured games. If you don't see one you wish to purchase, click on ̶0;View All Games.̶1; This link is located underneath the images of the featured games.
Click on the title of the game you wish to purchase. Click on ̶0;Add to My Games̶1; from the right-hand menu.
Sign in to your PlayStation Network account. Enter your login and password and click ̶0;Sign In.̶1; If you do not already have a PSN account, click on ̶0;I want to create a new account.̶1; Follow the on-screen prompts to add the game to your account.