Plug an Ethernet cable into the back of your PS3. To install a game package, you must be connected to the Internet.
Turn on your PS3.
Move the left joystick to the right, highlighting ̶0;PlayStation Network̶1; on your XMB menu. This is the main menu that appears when you turn on your PS3.
Move the left joystick down to select ̶0;PlayStation Store̶1; on the XMB bar.
Press the ̶0;X̶1; button.
Search the PlayStation Store to find the game you want to download and install.
Select ̶0;Add to Cart̶1; with your joystick and hit ̶0;X.̶1;
Select ̶0;View Cart̶1; and hit ̶0;X.̶1; If you do not have any funds in your PS3 account, you need to select ̶0;Add Funds̶1; from this menu and supply Sony with your credit card information.
Select ̶0;Proceed to Checkout̶1; and hit ̶0;X.̶1; You are asked to confirm the purchase a second time using ̶0;X̶1; and then money is deducted from your PS3 account and the game downloads. Depending on the file size, downloading could take minutes or hours. After it's finished, a pop-up appears on your screen, the game package installs automatically and you can begin playing.