Double-click the XLink Kai icon on your computer to launch the application.
Press the ̶0;Power̶1; button on your PS3 console to turn it on, then select the ̶0;Multiplayer̶1; option in the Main menu. Scroll to the ̶0;LAN̶1; option, then press the ̶0;X̶1; button on your game controller to select the ̶0;Join Game̶1; option.
Click the ̶0;Switch to Diagnostic Mode̶1; button on the XLink Kai window, then select the check mark next to the ̶0;Network Reachable̶1; option.
Click the ̶0;Switch to Diagnostic View̶1; tab in the XLink Kai window. You should see the ̶0;PS3 configured successfully̶1; message in the window.