Turn on your PlayStation 3. Wait for your system to load. It should load into the PlayStation log-in screen. Log into your account and wait for the PlayStation home screen to load.
Navigate to the "Settings" menu. Scroll down to the "Network Settings" menu. Scroll to the "Internet Connection" menu and make sure your Internet connection is enabled. This will allow you to connect to the Internet.
Go back to the "Settings" menu. Scroll down to the "Network Settings" menu. Scroll to the "Media Server Connection" menu and make sure your media server connection is enabled. This will allow your PlayStation to detect external media servers on your computer.
Configure the media servers on your computer to sync with your PlayStation 3. Open Windows Media Player on your computer. Right click on the tab labeled "Library" at the top of the Windows Media Player screen. Click the option labeled "Media Sharing." Check the box labeled "Share my media to." Allow your computer to scan for other devices. Choose the PlayStation 3 option when it appears.
Scan for external media servers on your PlayStation 3. Go the home screen on your PlayStation 3. Navigate to the menu option that corresponds to what type of media you want to stream from your computer. For instance, if you want to stream a song, go to the "Music" menu. If you want to stream a movie, go to the "Video" menu. Select the option labeled "Scan for media server." Wait for your PlayStation to detect your computer.