Click on the "Start" button on your computer and select the search box at the bottom of the menu. Type "Cmd" into the search box. Select the "Command Prompt" program the search brings up.
Type "Ipconfig into the text box on Command Prompt. Make note of the "Default Gateway" that it shows.
Open up your Internet browser and type the "Default Gateway" Internet protocol address into the address bar. Press "Enter" on your keyboard. Enter the username and password for your router. If you have not previously changed these details, they will both be "admin."
Select "Virtual Servers" from the left side menu.
Tick the "Enable" box on each of the first five server boxes. Enter the following into each of the five server boxes:
"Description: Name1," Inbound Port: 80-80; Type: Both; Private Port: 80-80
"Description: Name2," Inbound Port: 443-443; Type: Both; Private Port: 443-443
"Description: Name3," Inbound Port: 5223-5223; Type: Both; Private Port: 5223-5223
"Description: Name4," Inbound Port: 3478-3478; Type: Both; Private Port: 3478-3478
"Description: Name5," Inbound Port:3658-3658; Type: Both; Private Port: 3658-3658
Click on "Apply Changes" to confirm the open ports.