Earn six Gold Bricks throughout the game to gain access to the Resolute Medical Bay. Gold Bricks are earned as rewards for completing missions, so you will need to complete six missions before you can create a custom LEGO Clone.
Visit the Medical Bay on the Resolute once you have obtained the Gold Bricks. Select one of the Bacta Tanks on the back wall of the Medical Bay to enter Create-a-Character mode.
Cycle through the different options for torsos, heads, legs and accessories to create the customized look you want for your Clone Trooper. In the Star Wars universe, Clone Troopers wear white colored armor and matching helmets, so use that as the basis for your custom character. Clones are classified as Gunner characters in "LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars" so pick his weapons and abilities accordingly.
Save your Clone and exit the Medical Bay. You can now select your custom Clone Trooper for Free Play mode or while you explore the Resolute game hub by accessing a holoprojector.