The Mobile Suit Gundam, the namesake Mobile Suit of the franchise, is available in "Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire." Simply attain the rank of Warrant General through normal game play to unlock this Mobile Suit.
Kampfer and Xamel
There are two different ways of unlocking the Kampfer Mobile Suit. The first method is to simply attain the rank of Lieutenant Colonel during the Zeon campaign. This suit is also unlocked when the game's timeline reaches the month of December, so long as you are playing as a Lieutenant General with the game's difficulty set to "Very Hard." The Mobile Suit Xamel is unlocked during this second method as well.
Hildolfr and Gelgoog
Mobile Suits Hildolfr and Gelgoog are both unlocked at the same point in the game. Play as a Brigadier General, and set the game's difficulty to "Very Hard." Playing in early December, according to the game's timeline, will unlock both of these suits at the same time. This happens right before you encounter the unknown mission in early December.
Other Suits
Other suits are unlocked by achieving certain goals throughout the game. Unlock Amuro Ray by completing the Earth Federation Forces campaign on "Very Hard" mode and reloading the data afterward, or unlock Char Aznable by completing the Zeon campaign on "Very Hard" mode and reloading the data afterward. Kai Shiden and Fraw Bow are both unlocked by successfully completing any campaign on "Very Hard" mode. The RX-78-2 Gundam Mobile Suit is unlocked by achieving the "Colonel" rank during the Earth Federation Forces campaign.